Friday, July 9, 2010

Ain't Got Time To Bleed....or Wait For a Job

Good news. I just got off the phone with TRU (Toys R Us....DUH), and they informed me that the background check company that they use is effing up and still hasn't processed my file. However, they told the HR rep that I talked with that they would be contacting her either later today or tomorrow, so I can start making more money....and getting sweet crap with my discount.

Behind the scene shot of "AvP 3: Predator Takes Rook"

So last night my roommate and a fellow bearded associate attended the midnight showing of "Predators", which is NOT directed by Robert Rodriguez. He produced it. Just cause it says "Robert Rodriguez Presents" beforehand does NOT mean that he directed it. Just like Tarantino didn't direct "Ninja Assassin", or Spielberg didn't direct "Back To The Future". God that annoys me when people can't read. Anyways, it was friggin' awesome. Definitely one of the few bright spots in this summer movie season.
Perhaps the most surprising aspect of "Predators" was Adrien Brody, the oscar winning actor of films like "Darjeeling Limited" and "The Pianist". Cause when I think of Predators running around and ripping out spines, I think of Adrian Brody and his massive nose. HOWEVER, he was effing bad ass, and pretty ripped. Granted I shouldn't have have been too surprised by this (the man did fight King Kong) but still, first hearing that he was going to be the lead in a Predator movie was akin to hearing that Justin Bieber was going to be the new James Bond or something. Crap....I bet someone in Hollywood is going to read this and create that now. Crap.
Anyways, you should definitely check "Predators" out, especially if you're a fan of the original. I give it 4 Predator click noises out of five.
This weekend I'm working Jetpack helping to run a Magic Tournament. Basically that means I'm going to sit there while people talk about "mana" and "land" and try and look like i know what they're talking about. It'll also make me feel like not too much of a nerd. Anyways, I'll try and post a little somethin' somethin' if I get a chance, but until then, catch ya on the flipsiiiiiiiddeee.

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