Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Comic Reviews: Flashpoint!


Flashpoint #1 (of 5)

When DC first announced Flashpoint, I could've cared less. My knowledge of the Flash is at the bare minimum, and to be completely honest, I wasn't really all that into the story or any of the 15,000 tie-ins that DC is putting out.

However, that may change now.

I picked up this first issue mainly because my pull list was below our store's $10 minimum for debit cards, and I've got to say, I'm pretty impressed with what I've been presented with. DC mastermind Geoff Johns presents us with a DC universe that is somewhat similar, but very, very different when examined closely. The plot begins with Barry Allen awakening in a world very different from his own. His mother is alive, Batman owns a series of casinos, and most importantly, the "speed force" that gives him his powers doesn't exist. Also, Aquaman has flooded western Europe with his army, and Wonder Woman has lead the Amazons in a successful takeover of the United Kingdom. Among learning about these two cool nuggets of info, we also see Cyborg attempting to convince Batman to join him and a crew of other heroes to prevent both Aquaman and Wonder Woman from destroying the world. The story is pretty interesting, but I wasn't hooked until the last page, which ensures that I'll be picking up not only the next issue, but probably the Batman tie-in as well.

Andy Kubert's pencils are fantastic here, and makes me wish he drew more comics more often. I think the last thing I've read that he's drawn was Grant Morrison's Batman and Son. However, I'm sure if he was all over the place I'd not be as grateful when he does pencil things. Flashpoint's opening issue sets up a lot of potential stories, many of which I'm sure will spin off into the other tie-ins, but I do get the sense that one wouldn't necessarily have to pick up any of the fifteen spin-offs to completely get the story. For now, Flashpoint looks to be a pretty fun alternate history for the DC universe, much like Marvel's Age of Apocalypse, and should not be missed by those at least partially interested.

Mega Man #1

Archie Comics has finally branched out from Sonic The Hedgehog and added Mega Man to its stable of video game based comics. It's amazing to me that more publishers don't try to get the licensing for classic game characters, as it seems to guarantee the ability to print money. Anyways, the opening issue for the Mega Man series is definitely a good fit for the young 'uns, but older readers will probably want something more substantial. However, the plot is kept at a brisk pace, explaining the origins of not only Dr. Light and Dr. Wily's rivalry, but also the creation of Rock into Mega Man. While I won't be keeping up with the title, it's good to know that there's a book I can heartily recommend to parents and young kids for good, comic book fun. 

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