Franken-Castle #21

However, nothing new ever really sticks in comics, and the newest issue of Franken-Castle is a testament to that. In fact, Castle is only the monster for the first few pages, and is somehow returned to his normal look due to the use of the bloodstone, a mystical artifact that Frank has been using to fight monsters and up his power level.
After the quick change, the monsters go to Frank to try and get the bloodstone back, and Frank starts fighting them. Then the Mummy tells him the bloodstone is corrupting his view of who needs to be "punished", and Frank rips it out of his chest and returns to New York City. And I'm totally aware that I just wrote that.
I may pick up the next Punisher mini-series if only to see if it gives me any insight into this part of Frank Castle's history, but I doubt it will. While it was completely silly, at least this whole "Franken-Castle" thing was original, as opposed to another story where Frank kills some gang member/rapist/drug dealer.
Action Comics # 893
It figures that the issue of Action Comics that I decide to review for this installment would also be the weakest installment of the "Black Ring" storyline. A few issues back, this Man of Steel title switched gears and started focusing on Lex Luthor and his quest to find a Black Lantern ring. While I still don't know why he wants a black ring when he was using an orange one in Blackest Night, writer Paul Cornell has crafted a really entertaining story, as well as shining a new light on one of comics' greatest villains, especially considering his android "assistant".
That being said, the newest issue was fairly weak. Lex is traveling through Uganda searching for the energy source of the Black Lantern Corps. While there, he comes across Gorilla Grodd, who is quite possibly the dumbest villain I've ever seen. At one point, he attacks Lex with a giant spoon, in order to eat his brains. Again, I'm well aware that I just wrote that.
While this wasn't the strongest issue of Action Comics, it at least served the plot, and the next issue looks to be a whole lot more promising, and may even turn out to be an even bigger game changer for not only DC, but its Vertigo imprint as well. Whether you're a Superman die-hard, casual fan of Kal-El, or enjoy seeing Lex Luthor fighting other DC villains, you're bound to find something to enjoy in this series, and you should pick this up, regardless of this lackluster issue.
On a sadder note, comedian Greg Giraldo died today. I really enjoyed his stuff on the various Comedy Central roasts, as well as when he was on the short-lived Tough Crowd With Colin Quinn. RIP Greg, you will be missed.
Have you ever read Punisher Max?
ReplyDeleteWait. There's no way you've read it. If you had, you would have written a much more scathing review of that piece of garbage comic.
I've been meaning to read Punisher Max....perhaps I'll pick up the first trade this weekend.