Hey, remember how I said Toys R Us was going to call me Friday afternoon or Saturday? Yeah, neither did they. However, I did get a call from GameStop yesterday asking me to come in this afternoon for an interview, so maybe I can trade getting up at 6 in the morning and unloading a truck for driving negative seconds and shilling pre-orders for Lego Justin Bieber.
I'm actually pretty excited about this to be honest. I'd rather work at a GameStop up the road than drive to Toys R Us at 6 a.m. Plus, everyone who I've talked to has told me the same thing:
"You don't owe Toys R Us anything"
Which is true. I've waited 4 weeks now for them to contact me about my background check, which is honestly making me think that I didn't cover my tracks in Montreal as well as I thought I did.
For those not "in the know", Marvel Entertainment has decided NOT to bring back Edward Norton as Bruce Banner in The Avengers. Kevin Feige, the president of Marvel Entertainment, said in a press release that their decision is
"definitely not one based on monetary factors, but instead rooted in the need for an actor who embodies the creativity and collaborative spirit of our other talented cast members. The Avengers demands players who thrive working as part of an ensemble, as evidenced by Robert, Chris H, Chris E, Sam, Scarlett, and all of our talented casts. We are looking to announce a name actor who fulfills these requirements, and is passionate about the iconic role in the coming weeks"
Ouch. THEN Norton's rep decided to get involved too, stating that Feige's comments were a " purposefully misleading, inappropriate attempt to paint our client in a negative light." He also went on to say that Feige wanted Norton to show up at Comic-Con with the rest of the cast of Avengers, which would have been bad ass.
I don't have any deep rooted childhood love of the Hulk, but I definitely enjoyed the last movie, and the TV show. I also really liked Norton's portrayal of Banner, but there were alleged disagreements between Norton and Marvel, and I guess Marvel holds a grudge. While myself (and I'm sure others) would have loved to have seen RDJ and Norton banter at each other, I guess we'll have to get a new guy to portray Dr. Banner. Perhaps David Duchovny or Steve Buschemi?

Edward Norton has posted a statement on his official Facebook page:
how soon can I purchase lego justin bieber?